Schistosoma haematobium genome

Data and annotation provided are available for viewing or download.  This is work in prograss.  If you wish to publish a genome-scale analysis on the unpublished data available at this web site please contact the authors.

The S. haematobium genome project

This project is conducted under within the SCORE project coordinated by Dan Colley (University of Georgia, USA).  454 runs were produced to give a 0.5 to 1X coverage of the genome of S. haematobium.  Isolates were collected in Zanzibar, processed at the Natural History Museum in London, sent for sequencing at the University of Georgia and then for analysis at FIOCRUZ, Brazil.

The main groups involved are:

Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou - FIOCRUZ  and CEBio, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Guilherme Oliveira
Adhemar Zerlotini

University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
Travis Glenn

The Natural History Museum, London, UK
David Rollinson

Blast analysis

 Perform you own blast against the S. haematobium runs.

Links of interest

Sanger ESTs - link

Microsatellite analysis result

Link to files:

Mapping file (S. haematobium reads x S. mansoni genome):

Reference file (S. mansoni genome):

Features file (microsatellites and primers):


You can use 'tablet' open the reads mapping file (.sam) together with the S. mansoni genome (.fasta) and then use the button "Import features" to load the .gff file containing the microsatellites and primers.
After loading the data you can simply select a contig, click on the 'Features' tab and sort the features by name.
This way the microsatellites and primers will be grouped together.
The column name also contains the primer sequence and the melting temperature. 




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